Brushwood Panels DIY | Adelaide

Brushwood Australia – Leading Supplier of Quality D.I.Y Brushwood Fencing.

Brushwood Australia’s D.I.Y. brushwood fencing panels are easy to use, strong, with a long life and extremely environmentally friendly. Manufactured from ‘Melaleuca Uncinata’, an Australian natural plant, that naturally grows along the Emu Fence line Districts.

Brushwood Australia is the only self supplied contractor in Australia.

Manufacturing for its own needs and now also for the DIY handyman, Fencing/Landscaping Companies.

Close-up view of an australian brushwood fencing panel

Leading Supplier of Quality Australian Brushwood Fencing.

Brushwood Australia utilizes plantation brushwood in all its brushwood panels. Farmers utilize the Brushwood plant to lower the water tables in their Districts and fight salinity issues that threaten Australian farmlands. Once harvested, the brushwood plant regrows, called ‘Epicormic Growth’, ensuring we have a renewal resource.

Installation Details-

Normal double sided brushwood fence.

Firstly, order the brushwood panels and capping.

Secondly, the posts, rail and foundation need ordering as follows:

Posts – 40mm NB galvanized round posts with cap.

Rails – 20mm x 20mm x 1.6mm thick galvanized tube (SHS).

Foundation – CCA Pine Rail 100mm wide x 38mm high.

Concrete – Quick set 20 kg bags.

Tie Wire – 2.00 – 2.5mm thick, soft galvanized wire.

Installation Procedure –                                                                                                 

  1. Ensure a level site, between start post and end post. The top of finished brushwood fence will follow ground level installed on.
  2. Set up a string line between start fence post and end fence post. Put a stake into the ground at least 500mm before first post hole and 500mm past last post hole and attach the stringline.
  3. Mark out panel widths + 50mm for post space on ground. If using 2200mm length brushwood panels, each mark will be 2250mm apart.
  4. Dig holes 150mm x 150mm x 700mm deep with a post hole shovel at No 3 above spacings.
  5. Mark posts with a permanent marker at 1760mm
  6. Concrete the 2 end posts into position at 1760mm + Foundation timber height from ground level, using 2 x 20 kg bags of quick set concrete per hole.
  7. Attach the string line to the top of posts, under post cap just concreted into position in 6 above.
  8. Dig the remainder of post holes described in No.4 above.
  9. Concrete all posts into position described in No. 6 above.
  10. Cut CCA Pine base and fit between galvanized fence posts.
  11. Tec screw or weld the top rail in position at top off rail, 1740mm off the top face of the CCA pine foundation. The rail will be fixed to the front or rear face of the post.
  12. The brushwood panels can now be fitted in between posts against the rail.
  13. Tie the top wire of brushwood panel to the rail with soft tie wire to help fix brushwood panel while installing.
  14. Pull the 2nd wire from the bottom and the 2nd wire from the top of brushwood panels around post and twist tightly hard against post at leading edge of post.
  15. Wrap loose brushwood around base sides of post and pull brush panel wires over and twist from the base up to middle wire of panel.
  16. cover remainder of post sides with loose brushwood and twist the remaining wires.
  17. Cover end post with brushwood and pull all wires around brushwood covering post and twist wires tightly using fencing pliers. stand next brushwood panel in position and wire top as in No. 13 above.
  18. Install the end of next brushwood panel against the installed brush panel. The wires on one side of panel pushed though the leading-edge brush panel at 10mm from post and the twisted off on one side of fence.
  19. Complete No13, 14, 15, 16 until finished wiring in the brushwood panels.
  20. Fit brushwood capping by firstly pushing 400mm long x 2.5mm tie wire through brushwood panels below top wire at spaces of 300mm.
  21. Take a section of brushwood out of a spare brushwood panel (Normally brushwood panels that are 2200mm long have 21 sections between the clips) To work out how many panels are required to cap a brushwood fence- measure fence, divide by 1650mm and that will tell you how many brushwood panels are needed to use for capping. This is only 1 side of fence capping so double the number of panels required to cap both sides of fence.
  22. Hold 1 section of brushwood against face of fence at the top allowing a quarter to be pushed over the top of brushwood panel (50 mm face) and have another person do the same on the other side of brushwood fence.
  23. Pull tie wires around brushwood held by hand and twist wire, cut tail and bend inwards.
  24. Place the next capping section into capping top section of the brushwood panel and continue as per 22 & 23, until finished.
  25. Hand thatch loose brushwood into position is the other way to cap a brushwood fence.
  26. Hand thatch top instructions are available on application by email.

Brushwood Panels Sizes Available with Costings-

Size Quantity AUD $ inc. GST.
2200mm wide x 1770mm high x 50mm thick. 1. $ 265.00 each.
1800mm wide x 1770mm high x 50mm thick. 1. $ 245.00 each.
1100mm wide x 1770mm high x 50mm thick. 1. $ 165.00 each.
Brushwood Capping Loose brushwood bundles weigh 25 Kg. Normally caps 3 L/m per bundle. 1. $ 55.00 each.

To Order – 

Email Brushwood Australia at or utilize our contact page on the website at base of page,

Include, your Name, Business name, Address, Phone No., Email address and any questions you require answers to.

Brushwood Australia will email a written quotation directly to your email address.

The Purchaser then emails acceptance of quotation.

The Purchaser is issued an invoice by email for 20% deposit EFT to start the manufacture process.

Once the order is manufactured and before loading onto freight transport, another invoice will be issued for the remainder 80% value of original quotation.

The Purchaser pays invoice amount by EFT only (No Credit Card Facilities available).

Your (Purchaser) Brushwood Panels order is loaded onto courier truck for delivery to your address.


Picked up at Brushwood Australia’s factory and delivered to your address by truck. Because brushwood panels are over 30 kg in weight, the truck driver will not off load by hand. Normally a forklift is required, or a tailgate delivery service is utilized, where individuals can off load by hand, if truck driver does not have any portable forklift available.

To receive a quotation for freight please email Brushwood Australia at email address: –

Example of current freight costs. November 2022.

10 brushwood panels sized @ 2200mm long x 1770mm wide x 50 mm thick x 1000kg.

From Deliver to AUD $ inc. GST
Baldivis. Perth Suburbs, W.A. $ 400.00
Baldivis. Adelaide, S.A. $ 530.00
Baldivis. Melbourne, Vic. $ 670.00
Baldivis. Sydney, NSW. $ 750.00
Baldivis. Brisbane, Qld. $ 790.00
Baldivis. Darwin, NT. $ 1250.00

Download Brushwood Fence Panels Installation Instructions

Save $$$ - Do It Yourself - Top Quality Australian Brushwood Fencing.

Give Steve from Brushwood Australia a Call on 0416 098 225